Silika; "Dead Trees and Red Smiles"
Day 4 at the Lilith Plantation. 2am. The rocks are getting heavy, wrappddddddddddd in black foil. absinthe-soaked syringes burn my veins with aniseeeeeeed and wormwood. Salvia numbs it until th next rockckck hits the frame [] zero = [] zero is [ ] void is [ ] feel that void [ ] that is fuckinn numb.We sit huddled around the campfire at Syberium's rusted palace. A seethru but slim and red-tinted figure floats through the dark woodlands surroundin us. It/he has no head, but its smile is wide. It sits near us, its faded shape illuminated faintly by the campfire. It is humanoid, but it is madness incarnnnnate. It sees us and knows our future. and it is so sorry for us - yet it laughs. I feel sick - my baby feels sick. I picture vomit floating around the inside of my womb, sticking to my lonely baby's skin, the putrid soup smothering it, and I dry heave and lay to the ground, convulsing as Alikkk looks stoned and deaf at the stars and shapes in the sky. the sky.
Syberium holds my hand + I begin to breathe normally again. we retreat to the inside of his kabin, leaving the headless red man laughing still, his smile wider than the mooooon.
Fadin to sleep. to nothing. not calm. not nothin.
Bad REDDDD dreams in Sy's Kabin. hearing the trees clawing at the metal frame ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
corners hold threats in these dark dreams//// In slow motion I see myself trudge through a back alley. Its not night but the clouds are selfish and hide the sun under their red foggg. I NEED to see what is around that corner but I freeze. The shadows there - between the silos - have eyes. And they are looking at my breasts with a butcher's lust. [\fuck/]Something is eating me from inside ''''''''''''''' a man in black ''''''''''''' death '''''' loss ''''' childrn '''''' bullies.... somethin///g eternel dwells here, among the rust-coloured puddles and rotting wires.
faint [Memories] of zero. knives, screaming\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\blood and silence.
colours. clouds. more blood. I dream this all + more. Did u kno that babies share mother's dreams? they are toooooooo young 2 dream themselves, so their mothers dream for them. for them bo''th. When a pregnnt woman dreams of fucking, the baby's sexual orientation is born. from that point. very point. so what happens when the mother dreams of erotic murder??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I awake in strong painful sunlight and look at my wrists. I have sobered up, and my veins are their familiar baby blue. Not red. I feel cleaner yet suffer more. My body/bodies have hurt me. We must leave the Lilith Plantation, far from this smouldering circle of devil's ash- escape these abused woodlands befr_e they kill us with their eternal disapproval.
Syberium, Alik and I are sick together and leave this abandonded construction on foot, the 3 hour journey back becoming prob more like 6 hours, given our sickness + all.
We don't look back @ the trees.
We take the route near Swaffham Cageworks as the tree-lined path shields us from the burning light of the sun.
The red gauze fades from my eyes the further we get from the Lilith woods. We'd have died together if we stayd there 1111111 other night. I kno it. I just kno it.We pass by abandond, half-waterlogged petrol stations + churned-up industrial parks on the way home, our envirOOOnment lookin/ like how we feel; mirroring our bruised psyches with PINpoint accuracy man.
'/'/' No-one can save us now. We entr Old Lynn's Migrant quarter @ 4pm and want 2 die. ''I'' want 2 die. But my baby wants 2 live, so I must continue 2 suck air with reluctanccccce.
Alik rests me on the bed + I cry tearlessly untl I fade into blackness. No dreams anymor please.
No red. No blood. No murdrr.
just familiar nothin.
Phil Barrington
"Iepazīstināšana Bēdas un Prieks" / "An Introduction to Grief and Joy"
Phil Barrington
Cracktown v2.0; Bitter Stimulus [3/5; Finite Minerals]
[Finite Minerals]
Phil Barrington
Alik #1; Detector Vans Are in Your Area
The UK; Your treatment towards Asylum Seekers? Attacking those who have suffered, those who have no shelter nor hope, with your aggressive beaurocracy and social attitudes is like shooting a skeleton with a handgun. The damage has long been done before YOU get the privilege to attack us. You are simply helping us on our way to a totally unjust oblivion.
You think we would rather be HERE than live in our own country? Who do you think you are deluding with your insane logic?
I read an article in Quicklime News last week by the columnist Angry in Ashes Wicked, stating that the war in Georgia is now history, that "Russia has long since pulled its troops back and no longer even considers Georgia any kind of serious threat", so "why don't all the asylum seekers go back home and make the country their own again. Their country needs them."
What an ill-informed fool. First of all, we all know Russia was never the threat. Two thousand Russian civilians, including many members of my family and friends, were massacred by Saakashvili and the Georgian Police State, to ethnically cleanse South Ossetia with US-equipped armies and proclaim ITSELF the victim of Russian colonialism, making its plainly bizarre plea to have a NATO membership to "save them from the Russians". Bullshit motherfucker.
Even if the Georgian Police State is on its backheels now, we could never go back - Russian blood mixes with my own, and I would forever be subjected to persecution and death threats.
Are you familiar with psychogeography? Its "the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organised or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals." What you never see on any media is the psychogeographical effect that a war-torn and raped landscape has on its citizens. South Ossetia is destroyed. It would be like going back to Hiroshima and saying "my life is great- fullfilled and love-affirmed, one of joy and hope".
But you don't read about the effects of living in a war-broken country - sure you may get a BBC documentary or two focussing on the physical struggle for communities to get adequate housing or clean water, but that is about it. And clean water is indeed a vital problem, I grant you - US Soldiers have illegally used depleted uranium in their land and air weapons since 1991 to deliberately poison the water of all their enemies' countries - look at the birth defect fallout from the last Iraq war. But that is only a 'physically seen' problem.
Its the country's psyche at issue here. The psychology of a brutally raped country is no different to that of a brutally raped individual.
Look at Libya in 2014. Have you seen the faces on the citizens now that they have been awarded what the Western World has continuously plugged as WAF (Western-Aided Freedom). They are not free in the psychological sense. They have seen too much, experienced too much landscape change and destruction, in desperate need for psychological shelter that their environment (which is now alien and virtually neolithic in its destruction) cannot provide them with.
Instead on concentrating their focus on all the great multicultural aspects we can bring to Lynn life, we get cretins like 'Angry from Ashes Wicked', The Daily Mail, and barstooler thugs across the region's packed pubs stating that all Asylum Seekers should be literally kicked back to oblivion.
Well. We shall see. In this post-wikileaks, post-Assange (RIP) world we see ourselves inhabiting in 2014, we all now know that the UK Government and, in essence, its people, vitally need migrants and asylum seekers to perpetuate their increasingly outmoded but aggressively maintained class system. According to those infamous Iron Mountain memos from 2012, the UK desperately needs a lower caste to look down upon, to improve the nation's psychological and, thus, economic, morale. In other words, you fucks need to look down upon us in order to feel good enough about yourselves to spend spend spend. An economic fact. The iWant app for all native UK citizens.
You say we should leave this country? I say you need us more than we need you, sunshine. And unfortunately we need you badly.
CABAL is a local organisation that several of my colleagues are involved in (and I dip in and out of it too, admittedly); an underground hub for social protestors, activists and amateur-wikileakers to spread the word against disinformation and fight against the pricks. It also serves as a support group for people unwillingly inflicted with apathy in this all-consuming Information Age that is going into meltdown of constantly exposed corruption, disinformation, counter-disinformation and the metaphysical angst and fallout many of us are now inflicted with; if you suffer from WSN (Wikileaks-Sourced Nihilism), we are there for YOU. Contact me or Syberium via this blog for more information, and for a free printed copy of CABAL's manifesto. Its laminated (blood proof, you see).
We are now armed and loaded to attack The Ignorants. Whether they be traditional shaven-headed pub bloater thugs or the local Government, the bullshit stops here. And now. It has to.
Apartheid has no place in Old Lynn of 2014, for fuck's sake.
And Grimmstone's Councillor, Cllr. Levi Auker, has a past I think you should all know about. A recent cover-up so grand and brutal that his own racist National Party may never recover from his sickening actions. Murder, racism and so much more. I have the xeroxed email and I have the tape. I am posting a copy of it to the authorities tomorrow, to give them a chance to right some serious wrongs before it gets posted on the net.
Change needs to happen.
And it starts right now, comrade.
Phil Barrington