

You would have all read, seen, or heard about Polly’s disappearance by now, from the various local and national media nodes but, right here on this Polly-founded blog, I wish to air my thoughts and feelings about my esteemed colleague during this time of darkness.

Polly is an exceptional character, of infinite merit and charming demeanour. She has done some of the best quality reporting any local newspaper could ever hope to have featured. Wherever you are, Polly, please contact us and let us know you are okay. I know that the majority of Cracktown has suffered massive powercuts and blackouts these last few days but, as you know, as a self-maintaining building complex, we are still up and running with our own generator source to bring news and celebrity gossip to the masses 24/7, so you can still contact us at anytime Polly - around the clock.

From all of our staff, Polly, we miss you dearly and we all hope that you are okay.

Get in contact with us soon.

Best wishes,

P. Eke
Deputy Editor
Quicklime News